Indianapolis’ ONLY Licensed, Bonded, and Insured Credit Consulting Company
Credit Repair Case Studies and Examples

Case Studies

Many debt and credit agencies talk a lot about how they claimed to have helped individuals but few tell how.  Well, we’ve composed an array of Case Studies so our clients can put themselves in the situations our clients have encountered and learn how we’ve helped them and how we can also help you.

Credit Repair Case Studies

A consumer came to InCreditable Advisors because they were notified by a collection agency for a debt they had no idea ever existed. They had received a ticket because they could not provide valid proof of insurance at the time. She was told to provide the license branch with proof of insurance. Then the ticket would be voided and no longer due. She did just that, as advised and faxed over a copy of insurance information and thought it was taken care of.

Unfortunately, she was apparently wrong. Although they faxed proof of insurance, they were never notified by the license branch that the information was invalid. In addition, it needed to be sent by the insurance carrier directly as an official document. Again, she was not notified by the license branch or the county that the information was invalid and that the ticket was owed. After a year ,the collection company sends a letter showing a balance past due. She was told by the collector that if they paid the bill immediately it would not appear on her credit reports. Obviously, she paid it in full. However, when she later pulled a credit report from all three credit bureaus, it was in fact listed on her credit profile showing unpaid.

She attempted to correct the situation through disputes to the collection agency and the credit bureaus. However, no changes were ever made. The bureaus and the collection agency claimed that the debt was valid. The collection agency claims that they sent letters to her that was returned “undeliverable”, when they submitted a letter within the initial 30 days after the invalid insurance information was provided. However, she has never moved, therefore they would have gotten the mail if they sent it within the first 30 days as they stated. She never received anything in the mail from the County the ticket was issued stating a balance was due, nor a letter from the license branch.

Result: She decided to seek out the professional services of InCreditable Advisors and within a few months, the debt is has now been removed and deleted from all three major credit reporting agencies Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. In return, our client’s credit score improved by 76 points.

A consumer, didn’t understand how to read a credit report so they took advantage of InCreditable Advisors credit analysis review and sat down with one of our credit advisors. To the consumers surprise, the credit reports showed about 14 medical bills that went unpaid and were sent immediately to collection agencies. The consumer stated that most of them should have been covered by the insurance company and or the information was not properly updated. So, they did what anyone with insurance would do, call the insurance company and find out why medical expenses were not paid.

With numerous of phone calls to their insurance company and the collection agencies explaining that there was an oversight on the billing and that they needed to correct the errors. After several months of this never ending battle they, deciding to seek out professional credit help to assist in the ordeal of fighting with the collection company’s harassing phone calls.

Result: With a few requested proper documents and a few phone calls InCreditable Advisors was able to prove to the collection agencies that our clients insurance coverage had in fact paid several medical bills. A dispute was drafted and submitted on behalf of our client to all three major credit reporting bureaus. Within a few months, 9 accounts were deleted from the credit reports, because they were in fact paid by the insurance and never should have been placed in collections or reported to the consumers credit profile.

The other 5 accounts were valid and were later settled for half of what the client actually owed and later updated on all three credit report agencies Experian, Equifax and TransUnion reflecting the accounts paid in full and eventually removed per agreement negotiated. This process of updating the clients credit profile and settling those old medical bills allowed their credit score to increase drastically enough to close on their first new home. Thanks to the assistance of Indy’s most trusted credit consulting company InCreditable Advisors.
A consumer was referred to our office because they tried to buy a car but when the dealership pulled a credit report. They told them that they had a lot of unpaid bills and the score was too low to get financed at a good interest rate. The consumer desperately got a copy of his credit reports and noticed a lot of collection accounts were truly listed. However, they were not the consumers, but yet belonged to their son, Junior. Senior did not have any accounts in collections and these inaccuracies had a negative effect on his credit score.

Since the son is a “Jr” it was easy to see why so many accounts were listed incorrectly on Sr.’s credit profile. Although their addresses, date of birth, and social security numbers were different, many creditors go off the name as an initial point of reference. Disputes were submitted to Trans Union to delete 12 accounts, Experian to delete 22 accounts and Equifax to delete 8 accounts that were incorrectly listed on Sr’s credit report. With the proof provided of the difference in the names, social security number, date of birth, and address. Each account that was incorrectly listed was deleted from consumers credit profile and correctly added to Jr.’s credit profile

Result: The end result increased our client’s credit score by an average 150 points on all three credit bureaus Experian, Equifax and TransUnion in 60 days and our client was now able to go buy his new car at a great rate.

A consumer came to InCreditable Advisors when denied credit through their credit union and was told that they had a large number of collection accounts on their credit profile. We obtained the consumers credit reports from all three bureaus and examined them thoroughly and found many inaccuracies. We found that Experian reported 39 inaccuracies, Trans Union reported 11 inaccuracies and Equifax reported 9 inaccuracies on the consumers credit profile. This too is mistaken identity between Junior and Senior. In this case; Jr lived at the parents’ home, which made it that much easier to mistake the names and addresses. However, it also shows how differently creditor reports between the three credit bureaus. In this case Experian had the highest number of inaccuracies.

Disputes were submitted to all three bureaus with the proof of identity of the father and son to show the difference in the two. In this case the employment information was also listed incorrectly along with previous places of residency.

Result:Through an extensive dispute a reply was given by Experian that deleted all 39 inaccurate accounts, Trans Union deleted all 11 accounts, and Equifax deleted the 9 inaccurate accounts. Along with updating the employment and previous address information to represent each the father and son correctly both father and son now have accurate credit reports. Resulting in the father being able to get financing through his credit union. Our clients credit score increase over 160 points. Unfortunately for Jr. not the same result.

A consumer came to InCreditable Advisors after a numerous attempts to dispute a few business accounts that were listed on the consumers personal credit profile to no avail. We were able to obtain a joint credit report for him and his spouse and found that 4 debts that were related to their business were being reported on each of their personal credit reports. Even with the remarks stating business accounts, these debts were listed on their personal credit reports. We disputed with the bureaus and received responses that the debts were valid. We then pursued complaints with the Indiana Attorney General’s Office and Federal Trade Commission to have an in depth investigation placed for these consumers.

Result: It resulted in the four business accounts being removed from the spouse’s credit reported, however it turned out that the husband had in fact listed himself as the personal guarantor and in return is the responsible party regarding the business debts and those accounts remained on his personal credit file. If he had not signed as the responsible guarantor when applying for the credit for the business, then the debts would have been deleted from his personal credit file as well.

A consumer went into her local bank and attempted to refinance her high interest rate auto loan. Excited to finally get out of this high interest rate auto loan she sat down with the loan officer to see what they could do for her. She soon learns a couple things are preventing her from refinancing her auto loan.

One she was upside down on her auto loan (she owed more than what the vehicle was actually worth). Due to her high interest rate auto loan, most of her payments were going towards interest and very little towards principle. The reason was simple; unfortunately for her she didn’t completely understand the difficulty of trying to pay down a 21% auto loan.

Secondly, the credit score that the bank utilizes to extend credit to a consumer was Experian and her credit score from Experian was reporting a 565 credit score. A 560 credit score is considered by most banks as high risk and the bank unfortunately couldn’t extend her credit to refinance her auto loan.

The bank suggested for her to work on her credit and come back when she was able to raise her credit score to at least a 660, in order for her to take advantage of a lower interest rate. Well, she took the banks advice and sought out the services of InCreditable Advisors.

We immediately, obtained a credit report from all three major credit bureaus Experian, Equifax and TransUnion to increase her chances of obtaining financing from any bank she chooses. Note: not every bank uses the same credit reporting agency and not every credit reporting agency shares the same information with each other about the consumer.

Result: InCreditable Advisors did a complete credit analysis and audit of her credit profile and recognized several areas where our client could improve on. We recommended several enhancing strategies to boast up her credit score. After three months of utilizing our advice and recommendations, our clients’ credit score went from 585, 565 and 597 respectfully, to 629, 662 and 672, an average across the board of 72 point increase. Our client was finally able to get out of that awful auto loan of 21% to a better auto rate of 5.9%.

A consumer was told that he couldn’t get financing for an auto loan because he had no credit scores. All three credit reporting agencies Experian, Equifax and TransUnion all showed rejected credit scores. The consumer wanted to find out what he needed to do in order to establish some type of credit history and credit score.

After researching online for credit help he came across InCreditable Advisors website He called and scheduled a credit analysis review of his credit profile. After examining his reports, the only things that came up were five unpaid state tax liens, one unpaid judgment, and an unpaid collection bill. In essence, our client had only negative comments’ reporting’s on his credit profile and unfortunately for our client; no credit is just as awful as bad credit.

After discussing the findings with our client, he explained that he did not owe any state taxes, or any collection company or judgment. Our client was able to provide proof of all paid State taxes. After examining the facts, we came to the conclusion our client was a result of false and misleading reporting by the credit bureaus and or furnishers. After gathering the correct information needed, we then submitted documents to the correct establishment s to have them correctly update and remove any damaging claims from their credit databases.

With that process initiated and waiting for the completed results, we then moved on to the next credit re-building process. We assisted our client in establishing new credit with a couple of banks we work with. Explained how to properly utilize his new credit in order to significantly increase his credit score, and provided a guide to maintain his newly obtained credit.

Result: After a few months, the results from our disputes came back in our clients’ favor and where removed from all three credit reporting agencies. Our client finally was able to obtain a credit score from all three bureaus reporting at 640, 657 and 661 respectfully in a short period of three months. Our client now is in the position to finance his auto loan and is now actively seeking to buy his first home.

A consumer came to InCreditable Advisors because she had questions about items that were on her credit reports. We analyzed her credit reports from all three credit reporting agencies, the credit reports had a few collection accounts that needed to be paid and some accounts that were already paid, but still were being reported incorrectly. There was one debt for a cellular account that had been paid, but the dates of last activity were changed. Having collection accounts listed on a credit report showing paid are seen by lenders as a positive and can affect the credit score if newly updated. Although Nelly’s credit score was in the 700’s, she still wanted to improve on her score.

Since it’s illegal for any creditor or collection agency to change or alter dates on a credit report. In this case we had to submit a dispute letter on behalf of our client to the bureaus that were reporting the incorrect data. Although an original creditor can sell or transfer an account, the collection agency can mistakenly input incorrect data to a consumer’s credit profile. All collection company’s has to provide proof of dates in order to continue to report data on any debt to a credit report. Since this collection company could not prove that the dates they had listed were accurate, it was deleted from our client’s credit report. The other accounts that were paid had exceeded the statute of limitations and also were removed from her credit reports. The 2 remaining accounts were paid and updated accurately.

Result: After a few months our clients credit score had increased by an estimated 20-30 plus points which varied between the three bureaus. Our client was on her way to getting the score she was looking for in order, to refinance her house at a historically low interest rate with the help of InCreditable Advisors.

A consumer was recently denied a home loan, due to his low credit scores and some negative marks on his credit report. Subsequently, he contacted InCreditable Advisors for help. We did a full examination of his credit profile from all three credit reporting bureaus Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. After thoroughly analyzing the credit reports, we found a few errors that made his debt to income ratio appear higher than it should be reporting. This was one issue that definitely needed to be corrected with the bureaus and would be a great start to improving our clients’ credit score and credit rating.

We found that there had been duplicate reporting’s on his credit report by 4 total creditors for the same 2 accounts. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon, especially when an account goes from the original creditor, to a collection agency and then to an attorney for litigation. In this case, it happened twice and fortunately for our client, we were able to pin point the issue as to why his credit score was low. We immediately stared working on the request to have these misleading reports updated or removed. In the mist of these two accounts changing hands so to speak, it was clear that they were being reported by the collection agency and the attorney with balances owed. As mentioned above this certainly does affect a consumer’s debt to income ratio, increases the amount of debt, and increases the number of accounts in delinquency status.

After we carefully composed our dispute letters and evidence to the bureaus, and describing that these accounts were actually duplicates and needed to have two of the four remarks updated correctly. Since it is part of the debt history to show all activity of the account, in this case the information of the original creditor and collection agency dates had exceeded the statute of limitations and were deleted. Although the two debts themselves were still due through an ordered judgment, arrangements were made to get those accounts settled and satisfied the outstanding debt for 55% less.

Result: A total of 4 negative remarks for 2 separate debts were deleted successfully from all three bureaus and our clients’ debt to income ratio was being reported appropriately, his score did increase considerably to an estimated 55 plus points. With a little more work to do and some sound credit advice on how to increase his credit score, our client is now on pace to buy his first home within the next three months.

A consumer was referred to InCreditable Advisors by a friend to see if we could assist him. He was receiving calls from a collection agency trying to collect on an old credit card debt from college. He stated that the harassing and threatening calls where increasing. Somewhere he recalled hearing about this thing about statute of limitations on debts, wasn’t too sure if it pertained to his situation or not. But if it did, how does it work?

According to our client he recalled opening a credit card account sometime in 1995. He recalls the account became delinquent sometime in 1999. We recommended for our client to obtain a credit report from all three credit bureaus, to see if we could locate and gather some vital information. It turns out our client was correct about the time frames of the date he opened and became delinquent on the account in question.

As a result we submitted a validation letter to the collection company that had been harassing our client for some time now. We explained in our drafted validation letter that the account had been sold on 10 different occasions. In addition to each transfer, each collection agency altered their dates of activity to have it appear more recent. In return, extends the statute of limitations ILLEGALLY. After several months of investigations and requests, the collection company was unable to provide legal information proving that this was in fact a valid debt. In fact, it was later proved the account was a “zombie” account which had surpassed the legal statute of limitations for collections in the state of Indiana. Therefore, the dates were intentionally altered by the collection companies and consequently the debt was deleted from our clients’ credit profile.

A complaint was filed to the FTC, CFPB and the State Attorney General’s office of the illegal practices of these collection agencies who kept trying to collect on the old debt as well as the illegal tactics they utilized to threaten our client to pay.

Result: With the proof provided the debt was deleted completely from our clients’ credit profile and he’s credit score increased by as much as 80 plus points. Not to mention the relief from the hundreds of harassing collection calls. Our client is now on his way to restoring his overall credit health.

Consumer was referred by a mortgage lender to sit down with some credit professionals; InCreditable Advisors, to help clean up his credit reports to position him for an approval for a mortgage loan. The consumer stated that he had paid several accounts on his own and thought he was on the right track. We examined all three of his credit reports and exposed 4 accounts that exceeded the Statute of limitations, 2 accounts listed by “unknown” creditors and 4 accounts that were paid in a “paid for deletion agreement” but were still listed on his credit report as owed.

Consumer stated that the accounts that he paid were from medical collection companies that contacted him and told him that if he could pay the balance in full now, the debt would be deleted from all three of his credit reports. Therefore, consumer made the payments as agreed and assumed the debts would be deleted per the agreement. The other two accounts that were listed as “unknown” but consumer was not able to find out who to pay. Given that no information was provided he hoped they would just fall off.

We customized some disputes letters on behalf of our client and were sent to all three major credit bureaus. Recounting the accounts in question and requesting that the accounts be deleted due to the expiration time of the debt. We also recited that it’s was illegal for the debts to remain after the time limit has expired. We also challenged and provided proof of the “paid for deletion” agreements and requested to have them deleted as well. The accounts listed as “unknown” could not be recalled by our client and by default were also disputed to be removed from his credit profile.

Result: Replies were received by the bureaus within 120 days and all eight accounts were deleted from all three credit reports. This resulted in a tremendous increase to our clients’ credit scores, lowered his debt to income ration, decreased the number of open collection accounts, and the number of total delinquent accounts. Along with other procedures, our client was able to get approved for his mortgage at a great rate.

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